What We Are Doing
In pursuing our mission, we have three core activities:
1. We are building a grassroots coalition. At the start of RescueSF, we understood that building popular support behind our ideas would allow us to have influence with City Hall. We also recognized that we needed a grassroots, citywide coalition to form relationships with each member of the Board of Supervisors. We are currently engaged with more than forty-five neighborhood associations and community benefit districts across all eleven electoral districts. We are independent, non-ideological, and non-partisan. We have already established a track record of successful community organizing.
2. We are policy entrepreneurs. When we formed RescueSF, we understood that vague expressions of frustration would not produce an impact at City Hall. Instead, we need to engage with homelessness on a deeper, substantive level in order to present specific, actionable ideas. Toward that end, we have developed a compassionate, three-pronged approach to addressing homelessness:
First, we must end street sleeping. The crisis on our streets is the urgent starting point.
Second, we need to keep people housed. In addition to helping unhoused people move to shelter or housing, we also must stop the flow of more people into homelessness.
Third, we must address the behavioral health needs of our unhoused residents.
3. We facilitate collaboration among a broad group of stakeholders. As we started to build our coalition, our political leaders paid attention, but we understood that we represented one of many voices at City Hall. Business as usual at City Hall involves different interest groups fighting for influence over politicians. Business as usual often leads to either paralysis or inferior solutions. As an alternative, we are striving to unite different stakeholder groups -- representing government, business, non-profit service providers, advocates, faith-based communities, academics, and residents -- behind a common vision for change.
Learn more about our policy initiatives.
What You Can Do
Effective change will come only if we make it happen, ourselves. We have to be more personally engaged on the issues that matter to us, and we must hold our political leaders accountable for results. We are looking for effective solutions and will work with people who are moving in the right direction.
To be successful, we need people-powered activism.
Please join us by signing up for updates, making a donation and visiting our current advocacy opportunities page.
What You Can Do
Effective change will come only if we make it happen, ourselves. We have to be more personally engaged on the issues that matter to us, and we must hold our political leaders accountable for results. We are looking for effective solutions and will work with people who are moving in the right direction.
To be successful, we need people-powered activism.
Please join us by signing up for updates, making a donation and visiting our current advocacy opportunities page.
San Francisco Needs Your Voice!